News, and … other news

I've been working hard on the latest Wolf book, which is tentatively called The Pack.

The premise is that Wolf and Lauren are days from marriage, the reception tent has been erected on the front meadow, friends and relatives are in town, Rachette is masterminding bachelor activities, and Wolf's world is generally steeped in anticipation. And then a car with blood smeared on the steering wheel shows up outside Wolf's house.

Inside he finds Kristen Luke lying in the shower--bloodied, injured, and emaciated. But when she wakes, she can't remember what happened to her, or why she is 1,200 miles from her new Seattle field office.

And so begins a heck of a lot of trouble for Wolf.

The Peter Blake Series Book:

A month or so back I closed the file on that one, threw the computer against the wall, gave it a flying elbow drop, dusted it off, opened up a new file, and have been working on "The Pack" ever since. I'll get back to it. Probably. I'm beginning to think it's not meant to be, but I'll probably give it another go, and then move on to something else if I have to.

Audio Books:

I now have 6 audio books fully produced and for sale. Sean has finished the 7th (To the Bone) and it will be available on Audible and Amazon shortly.

Links to Available Audio Books (All available for cheap as additions to the Kindle purchase on Amazon)

1) Foreign Deceit
2) The Silversmith
3) Alive and Killing
4) Deadly Conditions
5) Cold Lake
6) Smoked Out


The first 4 David Wolf books are now available in a bundle at a discount that equates to over 40% off the price of purchasing them alone. Please help share the word on this, and if you've read all the books, please consider leaving an honest review. Thanks for your help.

I'll keep you posted in the next month or so when I'm through with The Pack.


RAIN (David Wolf Book 11)


Dark Mountain (David Wolf Series Book 10) – Now on Amazon