Dark Mountain (David Wolf Series Book 10) – Now on Amazon

DARK MOUNTAIN, the tenth book in the David Wolf series, is now available on Amazon!

I'm very excited about this one for a number of reasons. The first, and most important reason, is that I love the story. The second is that five years ago, when I turned to my wife with this crazy idea to write ... and write FICTION ... I ended my vow to her with "And I'll write ten books. Then, and only then, will I step back and judge it as a failure or success." (To her credit, she did what she always does, and said, "Awesome!")

I think that in my mind, I took the required amount of writing I thought it would take to begin making a living at self-published writing (five books) and doubled it, just in case after five I wasn't doing so hot.

In hindsight, I think the goal shows how much I really wanted to be a writer. I also think it shows my lofty ambitions, and the pessimism (or is it realism?) that all the ambitions are soaked in.

"Hey, I've busted my ass and we're still broke. But it's only been eight books! Two more to go ... then I'll make a decision, honey."

I'm fortunate I never had to say that. I was able to out-earn my day job after five books, so I was able to quit it and I've written full time ever since. Every once in a while I'll get that cry-in-your-Frosted Flakes feeling when I think about how far my wife and I have come in this venture. But more often than not, I find myself looking toward the future.

And as for the future, I'm working on that new series I keep threatening to write. I'm rebranding the books with new covers. I'm producing each book in audio, and ramping up my marketing to a new level. I'm looking at also doing an offshoot series, perhaps starring Kristen Luke. (The Luke Files?) We'll see. One book at a time, from now on.

I hope you like Dark Mountain.


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